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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Introdution to research
Introduction to research.
This is the textbook, which was first published in 1988. It is written by Stephen Polgar, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health, La Trobe University in Melbourne, and Shane A. Thomas, Director of Primary Care Research, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Australia.
The book aims to provide readers with 'a succinct, yet comprehensive overview of health research as an integrated, problem-solving process'. The fifth edition offers a few updates from the fourth, including two new chapters on qualitative methods and systematic reviews. The layout takes the reader logically through the stages of research: planning, design, data collection and statistics, directed by a clear contents, index and glossary. Each chapter is neatly composed with a summary, discussion, and self assessment questions at the end, to facilitate learning. Answers to these questions are provided at the end of the book.
Early chapter focus is purely on scientific method, research design, planning and data collection, with later chapters dealing with interpretation of data (descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and dissemination and critical evaluation of research). The end of the book contains a glossary, along with further questions and answers, in a self-assessment format. Although this topic can normally be quite dry, the book uses colour and presents many examples (for example, studies on the progression of AIDS), tables and graphs, which help to enrich the text. These, along with a well organised breakdown of subheadings, provide an easy read. This book may not be of great interest to the general dental practitioner who is not involved with research, but will certainly be of use to undergraduates studying their statistics module, and hospital staff involved in research.
In summary this book is well written and concise. The text can be difficult to digest in places but this reflects more the subject matter than the manner of writing. One criticism would be the limited referral to referencing within the text. On the whole, I feel the authors have managed to make a dry subject rather interesting. I would recommend this book to dental students or to postgraduate practitioners wishing to become involved in research.
This is the textbook, which was first published in 1988. It is written by Stephen Polgar, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health, La Trobe University in Melbourne, and Shane A. Thomas, Director of Primary Care Research, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Australia.
The book aims to provide readers with 'a succinct, yet comprehensive overview of health research as an integrated, problem-solving process'. The fifth edition offers a few updates from the fourth, including two new chapters on qualitative methods and systematic reviews. The layout takes the reader logically through the stages of research: planning, design, data collection and statistics, directed by a clear contents, index and glossary. Each chapter is neatly composed with a summary, discussion, and self assessment questions at the end, to facilitate learning. Answers to these questions are provided at the end of the book.
Early chapter focus is purely on scientific method, research design, planning and data collection, with later chapters dealing with interpretation of data (descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and dissemination and critical evaluation of research). The end of the book contains a glossary, along with further questions and answers, in a self-assessment format. Although this topic can normally be quite dry, the book uses colour and presents many examples (for example, studies on the progression of AIDS), tables and graphs, which help to enrich the text. These, along with a well organised breakdown of subheadings, provide an easy read. This book may not be of great interest to the general dental practitioner who is not involved with research, but will certainly be of use to undergraduates studying their statistics module, and hospital staff involved in research.
In summary this book is well written and concise. The text can be difficult to digest in places but this reflects more the subject matter than the manner of writing. One criticism would be the limited referral to referencing within the text. On the whole, I feel the authors have managed to make a dry subject rather interesting. I would recommend this book to dental students or to postgraduate practitioners wishing to become involved in research.
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Clifford Chance, £1,030.2m – International law firm (headquartered in the UK);
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Clifford Chance, £1,030.2m – International law firm (headquartered in the UK);
Linklaters, £935. have a significant client base, the marriage between legal practices and investment management services is a natural. Additionally, such a marriage would have a double advantage. Specifically, it could expand the firm's client base, in turn, leading to more legal work as well,&uot; according to Vito A. Bellezza, Chairman of the IMCON event. With educational sessions taught by nationally recognized experts, the subject matter runs the full gamut of virtually everything needed for an attorney to expand his practice into investment management in a short time. A sampling of educational sessions include: Marketing Your New Financial Service, Evaluating Mutual Funds and Individual Portfolio Managers, How to Select and Work with Money Managers, New Compliance and Regulation Issues, and Costs and Revenue Stream Comparisons. Additional sessions, on days two and three, important to legal professionals include: Building Your Asset Management Business, Venture Capital and the IPO (Initial Public Offering) The first time a company offers shares of stock to the public. While not a computer term per se, many founders, employees and insiders of computer companies have found this acronym more exciting than any tech term they ever heard. Explosion, and How to Use the Internet to Give Your Firm the Investment Edge. These are among the 40 available sessions in the IMCON program Brian Hamburger JD, RFC (Request For Comments) A document that describes the specifications for a recommended technology. Although the word "request" is in the title, if the specification is ratified, it becomes a standards document. of Stark &Stark (one of America's largest securities industry law firms) and a key speaker at the IMCON event says: &uot;Having assisted hundreds of investment advisory start-ups I will start by discussing who qualifies as an investment advisor Investment Advisor1. A person making investment recommendations in return for a flat fee or percentage of assets managed, known as a commission.2. For mutual fund companies, it is the individual who has the day-to-day responsibility of investing and monitoring the cash and under SEC and various state regulatory schemes, then proceed to review each step towards creating a viable and successful business in this field.&uot; IMCON's Chairman, Bellezza, stresses the urgency of registration: &uot;For those wishing to attend, reservations should be made with our office as soon as possible, as the event is being held Feb. 22-24, and we are in the last phase of sign-up,&uot; says Bellezza. &uot;Prospective attendees can also register at our website, which is an encyclopedic en·cy·clo·pe·dic adj.1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of an encyclopedia.2. Embracing many subjects; comprehensive: "an ignorance almost as encyclopedic as his erudition" look into every aspect of the event,&uot; he adds. For further information, readers can contact IMCON at: 4400 North Federal Highway, Suite 125 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Phone: 561/361-7001 Fax: 561/361-6644
What an unbelievable technology!
January 1, 2009
I was driving in the car the other day and heard Ted Leonsis (formerly of AOL and current owner of the Washington Capitals) discussing some of his business investments. One of them that he discussed was SnagFilms – which per their website can be summed up in 4 words: Find, Watch, Snag, Support.
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On my sidebar to the right, I have added my own SnagFilm movie theatre with some of the films that interested me – I hope they interest you! This is an unbelievable technology where we can share great films/documentaries and use this interest as a tool to help others charitably. I am thinking about how this can help me with my quest for MLM Traffic Domination?
January 1, 2009
I was driving in the car the other day and heard Ted Leonsis (formerly of AOL and current owner of the Washington Capitals) discussing some of his business investments. One of them that he discussed was SnagFilms – which per their website can be summed up in 4 words: Find, Watch, Snag, Support.
Find. Whether using our custom search tools, browsing by topic, or tuning into one of the great channels provided by our partners, with a few clicks you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for.
Watch. By streaming films worldwide, on-demand, 24×7 and with no software installation or downloading required, we have radically expanded the audience for documentary films. All you need is a decent broadband connection. Just click play, go full-screen, and lean back and enjoy our films.
Snag. Widgets let you take your favorite SnagFilms with you wherever you like to go online. Open a virtual movie theater right in your webpage, blog, Facebook or MySpace page, or just about any other place online you can think of.
Support. At their best, documentaries don‘t merely entertain us, they engage and inspire us to action. We provide a link for you to a charity related to the topic of each film (many of them selected by the filmmaker) so you can get involved, immediately. And just by embedding our widgets, you’ve donated your pixels and helped support independent film.
On my sidebar to the right, I have added my own SnagFilm movie theatre with some of the films that interested me – I hope they interest you! This is an unbelievable technology where we can share great films/documentaries and use this interest as a tool to help others charitably. I am thinking about how this can help me with my quest for MLM Traffic Domination?
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